
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Mark 6:3

Mark 6:3
I have been pondering on the reason why Jesus did not use carpentry in his parables. Well, at least none is stated in the Bible. He uses many other ilustrations and one of his favorite has to do with plants and planting.
But carpentry gives you tons of ilustrations. For example:
A sharpened saw-
It is important to keep the saw sharpened, otherwise you will require more effort in what you are doing and more time. In the same way if we do not rest and take time to set our priorities back in place we will start to work extra time to keep things balanced and we will require extra effort.
A carpenter-
Carpenters have to put wood through a whole process, not an easy process, in order for the wood to become a useful object. There are many tools, and different ways of handling wood. You have to treat it against termites, you have to cut it, shave it, sawdust it, hammer it, barnish it...a whole process that requires time, patience and know how. The same happens when we disciple people. It requieres patience, time and know how. It is a process, and not an easy one.
Type of wood-
A carpenter knows that different types of wood are better for certain things. There are hard woods, and soft woods. There are precious woods. Hard wood is considered better for building houses because termites do not eat it, whereas soft woods are used for carving out beautiful and fancy pieces of furniture. Same happens with people. We should be aware of the type of material people are in order to decide what to expect from them.
I am being rather blunt in my examples, because they are not the main idea. I only want to make it a point that carpentry is a good topic for parables.
My first impression was to think that Jesus avoided carpentry and chose agriculture because agriculture requires time and it is not a mass production
thing. But then I turned this theory down, because in does days mass production did not exist. So every piece of furniture required time, a lot of time.
so, then why didn't Jesus use it for His parables?
Because carpentry had to do with wood.
and wood was a close reminder of the cross.

God could have chosen a baker or a farmer or a king or a priest to be Jesus' earthly father.
God chose a carpenter.
He knew Jesus needed to prepare.
Many times as Joseph made a table or chair, he would lay the pieces of wood in the shape of the cross.
Jesus was reminded of his purpose for being on earth.
A reminder so he wouldn't lose focus. (Remember that even if He was still God, He was also a real human being)

Carpentry. A gentle reminder of His aim = the cross.
The carpenter shop was a place for preparation.

I think that when Jesus' would hammer his finger, He would talk to Father God about the pain and if He would really be able to bear the pain of the cross.

As He held them up to Joseph, Jesus knew they would someday pierce his hands.
Joseph didn't know. He only said "thanks"
But Father God knew
He said:
It will not be nails that will hang you onto that cross.
It will be love.
My love for you.
Your love for me.
Our love for them.

When He cut himself and blood spilled on the wood, Father told him...think of (put your name in). You will be able to tell him/her:
hold my hand and have no fear
I will be here.
we will be together.
When you need a shoulder to cry on, I will be here.
I will be true.
Father gave me to you.
I will be here. Do not be afraid.

When noise stopped because everyone was going out to lunch. And Jesus was the last one out, silence spoke to His young soft heart. The silence of Father God's voice in the moment when He would need Him most.
Father God's silence when He would hang from the cross, carrying our sins, so we would not have to be blamed for them.

Of course Jesus could not use carpentry in His parables.
Carpentry was too close to the cross.
And if you have gotten used to the story and think it costed nothing, think again...
Jesus did not speak of carpentry in His parables.
Carpentry was too close to the cross.