
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

James 5:16

James 5:16

I like it when the Bible is no longer only words, I like it when I can read it and say "Oh, yes, I have been there- it is true!"
Today I share a letter that I just wrote to a dear friend (one of many- thank God!)

I sit here, yes totally amazed by God's grace and mercy. But also wondering how I made it to be 41 with so much sin ruling my life...I know...God's mercy and God's grace...
THank God!

Okey this morning God continued to talk on my anger towards Him.
The reason?
"God, why did you create men?" (men as men not humankind)
I rattled on on how much pain they have brought upon women and children, specially beautiful and innocent little girls.
and yes, I was definitely harsh on my criticism towards their genitals. They have been used to rape so many women and children. I have heard too many dramatic stories. So many that I have started to walk in a mindframe that stated: "that is part of life and that is it, there is no big deal about it. Hundreds of girls are raped and they manage to get over it"
Lord rebuked me for accepting things that way. Sin is to be confronted and justice is to be called for. We have avoided justice for different reasons, but this has only brought forth more confusion and more pain.
I was told once of a teenager that went to the pastor and mentioned that her father was abusing her sexually. The pastor told the girl that her dad's behaviour was normal because he was a man and that she should just take it. The pastor was a woman.
I do not need to write more stories because I know you have heard your share. Thing is that this type of issues and not knowing how to handle them took me to one thing. Accusing God for creating men and calling his creation imperfect.
I accepted I was wrong. Then God gently explained that His creation was perfect. Man was a perfect creation, with all needed to protect, care, love and sexually satisfy his wife. SIN, God reminded me, has corrupted men. ANd sin was invited into our lives by humans- not God. ANd to be more specific Eve was the first one to invite sin into human society.
From there God took me to accept and understand that women themselves have used their bodies to harm many men. Now days we can really speak bad about the clothes that are worn...but even way back, when clothes revealed so much was such a mess. Seduction and love for lust are part of women's vocabulary. They are games truly enjoyed by them since they are very young in age.
I know God is right. I know of many young men that have been seduced by older women, destroying their self esteem and pushing them into a wrong use of their sexuallity. Throwing them into dip pits from which it seems impossible to escape.
I still do not know how we are to handle things from now on. I realize this is part of my fear in joining the church again. I know I am now responsible to speak of this topic. To confront girls with their clothes and seductive ways, and to confront men with their lust. I do not expect this to be easy.
I remember a young man telling me that the way an older woman looked at him made him feel uncomfortable. When I spoke to the leaders about it their reaction was "it's no big deal"
It is good to have you. Most people do not like to hear me speaking on sin, they inmediatly point to theology terms such as "grace or process of santification"
It feels so good to talk to God about these things. It feels even better to have my ideas restored into Godly ideas. It is way too early in the morning and I haven't had much sleep. But I have such deep relief.
One last thing...I have felt that as we have been confessing our sins to each other much healing has been given to us. Yes, even phisical healing. I could feel parts of my body cleansed as I prayed. I expect to have many less problems with my teeth in the future.
I am soooo thankful to God for putting you near me in all of this. I am glad that you haven't avoided the word sin. And I am glad you have been honest with me, it has made it easier for me.
May God grant us His grace to continue in His fire.
Love you lots and lots,