
Monday, June 06, 2005

John 17:23

Father, allow them to reach perfection in unity,
so the world may know that you sent me.
John 17:23

Fine, we have all heard the verse and kind of knodded at it and yes, we all agree...unity, nice word.
But do we know what it is?
Do we know how to reach it?
Do we really knit close realationships?

I sit here and I am amazed at the simplicity of God's plan for the revival: Unity
We live in unity we will not have to invest large amounts of money in concerts, shows, seminars, camps etc etc etc.
There is something extremely beautiful in unity. I have been smelling its perfume and I find it irresitible. As I resently told a friend, unity does not mean that we have to wear a uniform. Unity does not mean we have to like the same kind of worship. Unity doesn't even mean we agree on everything.
Unity is much deeper than that.
In fact unity makes room for freedom of diversity.

One can go to the movies while the other goes to a museum, it won't make a difference...they are united in a much deeper way.

Yes, our unity as church starts by the fact that we all believe that Jesus went to the cross to save us. God inbodied in man, dying to pay for our debt. Jesus' resurrection to prove that such a sacrifice was accepted by God and thus we have a way to pay our debt and move out of hell.

But this is only the first step. when we knit something, we continue putting strings together.
And this is the tricky part.
Most people do not like the idea. Superficial relationships is more than enough. Impossible to talk about unity with such a relationship.
It is the walking close, the sharing the tears and the joys that will continue to build unity.
But there is always a place where we stop.
We do not know how to handle sin. We do not know how to admonish each other in love, and we do not know how to accept correction.

This makes true unity, the one Jesus was talking about literally impossible.

I sit here and smile. A misheveous smile. I just got myself into a huge problem.
I prayed.
Yes, prayer will always get me in problems.
It is hard to avoid it.
God sitting there talking about the beauty of unity despite or better said: due to its complexity.
God sitting there and sharing the fragance of unity:
"Bea, It is like a snowcovered moutain. High in risk to climb! Oh, but its beauty! Hundreds paint it, other thousands take pictures of it. Many sit and enjoy the sunset from the valley...the colors of dusk moving in...the clouds playing in its peaks. But do you know who really get to partake of its beauty? The ones who dare to climb it. They see what nobody else sees. They enjoy what nobody else enjoys. And when they reach the top...what splendor! and what joy! They have become one with the universe!"

So, I listen to God talk in such an exhuberant way that I find myself saying.
"Father, it is true! I can see the beauty of your plan! I can see it! It is true! I like it. I agree with you, this is the best plan. All else by this is pure trash. Hallow, empty, void...a waste of time! Respect, dignity, humble hearts, not full of pride. Envy conquered, selfishness destroyed...making room for unity of heart...what joy! what delight!"
As I saw his plan my amazement grew and grew. His words filling my every muscle, my every nerve.
His words light a fire in my veins- "the ones who dare, they are the ones to enjoy it all."

I suddenly raise my voice "I dare. I will climb. I do not promise to make it to the top.
But Father I will try. If I should perish in the task, I know you will still wear a smile. The smile that forms in your lips everytime I dare to believe you, and I dare to obey. Father, I dare. Unity in my family, true unity with my mom and my son...that is quite a climb. But I dare to believe. In Jesus name, I dare."

This is my challenge. This is my climb. My heart beats with anticipation for I know the smell of an adventure of faith. This is one.
I can so clearly see that this is the main goal of the second part of my life: UNITY.

Wow. Real unity... I have no idea of what I am talking about...but I am determinded to find out.
and my misheveous smile comes from thinking that my family is to be my lab.

I am ready for the climb. This is THE plan: unity all over the land.