
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Joshua 15:13

Joshua 15:13

When I used to read this it would make me angry. Women have often used as baits, but in the Bible? By a neat man of God? How disgusting! grrrrrrrrrrr.......
But last year God open my eyes to the implications in it.
"Bea, you love many of the young girls at church. How do you feel when a yerk begins to get near them?"
Oh!!! I do not like them. These are sweet girls, they need someone who will care for them. Someone who will protect and provide for them.
"Exactly, and how will you know they will do that?"
hhhmmm...good question. I am not sure.
"you test people, and that is what Caleb did. Do you understand that he could have captured the city? Caleb could have done it on his own. But it was time for his daughter to marry. And this was the best way to find her a good man.
Otoniel conquered the city. By this he gained a lot, more than a wife.
He gained honor before Caleb´s eyes and before his daughter and before the people of Israel.
He became a man.
A man that people could actually look up to.
He became a leader. (read Judges 3 wow. what a man!!!)

Otoniel got up and conquered a city that was the hardest to conquer because it was in the mountains. Caleb got a clear message.
This man will fight against anyone that may try to harm her.
This man will be able to provide food and clothing for her.
This man will do anything for my daughter. I can trust him with my precious one.

How romantic, no?
I sadly see our modern world. It is a total mess. We have all helped one way or the other.

Women decided that the old rituals were for the old. Men used to have to give flowers and serenades and really work their way in order to conquer the one they loved.
Now days, they ask a girl out for coffee and then jump into bed.
We get married before our husbands can support us, and we boldly declare "I will work, while you study!"
We make is so easy for them- supposedly out of love.
The strange thing is that because they never conquered a city, they do not become worthy of honor before our eyes. And then it is so hard to submit. Always in our hearts we have this..."I am not sure if I can trust you with my life. I never saw you conquer a city. I have always helped with the supplies. I cannot honor you from the deepest part of my heart"

We have made our men "weaklings" who as years go by we look down upon.
"If it weren´t for me, you wouldn´t have gotten I wish I had married a man"

Talk to most women who have gone through this. Most are unhappy with their relationship or they are divorced.
We were told to honor our husbands as head of the home.
Could we really? if we had never seen them conquer a city?
They conquered a young romantic woman's heart...but a city? did they really have to pay a price to win us?

We wonder why homosexuality is so popular. We shouldn´t we have broken to many rules.
Even the ones full of romance, and boldness like the one we find in Otoniel's life. Men are tired of being looked down upon by women, and women are tired of not finding a man to look up to. So men are turning to men and women are turning to women....going into an ever deeper whole of confussion and emptiness.

I think it is time we go back to the basics.
Dragon´s capture the princess, the prince rescues her, and she falls deeply in love.
She has found a man that she can trust. One that will do anything to protect and provide.
She can take her place, and honor the man of the home.

Men, be bold- go out and capture dragons and conquer cities!
Women, don´t make things easy for them.