
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Luke 22:61

LUKE 22:61

In the dictionary I found:
Impulsive- inclined to act on impulse rather
than thought.

If you have Impulsive as spontaneous it is okey, but today I will be using Impulsive under the defenition mentioned above.

Luke 22:61

Have you ever talked with your eyes?
You need a special friend to do that. Perhaps you have spent many years with that person, so you know him/her well and speaking with your eyes is easy and part of your relationship, or perhaps you have many things in common, your thoughts and feelings bring you close enough to have a conversation with your eyes.
You do not need words. Your eyes are enough.
You do not need to be that close physically, because you do not need to hear the words. You read them in the person´s eyes.
It seems to me that Peter and Jesus had that kind of a relationship. They spoke with their eyes.
This wasn´t a first time happening. They had spoken with their eyes for years.
We all think of Peter as impulsive, reacting to his own thoughts and feelings; I question such a theory. I think Jesus and Peter spoke with their eyes. And other times Peter read Jesus´eyes.
When Peter jumped out of the boat: even before he spoke I am sure that they had a conversation. Jesus told Peter "this is fun!"... and the conversation went on. By the time Peter spoke "Lord, if you ask me to go I will go!" Peter had heard quite a lot...a lot.
That is one of the amazing things with this type of conversation. A quick glance, a million thoughts expressed. No need for words.
Peter read Jesus' eyes. That night, while Jesus´was being arrested. Peter read His eyes. Determined to take the cross, but still in pain. So Peter took the sword and did his best...he was a fisherman so he didn´t kill the man. He was not impulsive. He did not react before the momement. He had given much thought to all of this. He had already spoken to the Lord about it all AND had been rebuked about it. I think Peter thought about it all, and still was not sure of God´s plan.
Bold stament there. There is no real clue for this. But I dare say it...because I have been there. I often argue with God.
They spoke with their eyes. What a terrible night, long and weary. Confusin? Not really, not really. Jesus had predicted all of this, with detail. Painful, yes, extremely painful.
They had spoken so much on this issue. Peter had tried so hard to agree with God: "I will die with you" were words that came from an honest heart. But a heart that hadn´t reached a total agreement with God. "WHY? Why must it be this way?"
Call it rebellion out of love. It was still rebellion. Sin took its toll. Peter denied Jesus. Jesus turned, and looked at Peter.
What was THAT conversation like?
Severe. Yes, it was full of love. But love in one of the ways we hate to accept. Severe discipline is an expression of God´s love. The same love that took Jesus to the cross has another expression and it is called discipline. Severe discipline that lead Peter´s heart to repentance, true, deep repentance. God´s love taking him to a changing point in his life. God´s severe conversation, changed that Peter the Apostol.
Then there is that morning on the beach (John 21). Peter had bore God´s discipline. Now he had a lot to tell Jesus. But he hadn´t found the right moment. That morning. John said "it is the Lord!" and Peter knew in his heart that THAT was the moment he had been waiting for. He jumped into the ocean, and swam against the current, he had to walk out of the water, pushing hard and as fast as he could "I cannot waste my opportunity...I must tell Him!" He got on firm sand and took firm steps, then he had to walk on the soft sand and his feet sank in the sand, slowing his progress down. But he didn´t care, he could slow down now. He knew he had the time he needed before the rest would come.
Peter was not impulsive. He had thought of this moment for days. He had waited for it since that day he had visited that empty grave.
As he drew near, Jesus pretended to be busy with the fire. Allowing for Peter to draw near. Peter did not shout to call for his master´s attention. He only drew near.
When the moment was right, Jesus lifted His eyes and met Peter´s. Peter stood still, at a fair distance, a distance that did not matter, because they were friends.They could talk with their eyes.
They had gone through so much, their eyes had changed. They both had changed, but they could still find the friend that once had been there.
No reproach. That was over.
They spoke of their love for each other.

Peter had fought for this moment and had won it. Soon enough the others arrived. Noisier and not understanding much of what was going on. No matter, Peter had gotten his moment. Jesus smiled at him with His eyes, then He turned to the rest and smiled with His lips..."You got any fish?"
Peter turns. His heart filled and in peace. He goes to get the fish with no idea of the soon to be surprise:
Jesus will give him, his ministry back.

Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loved Him. Strange, since that is exactly what that eye to eye conversation was about. Peter was puzzeled...but He knew the Lord..."He is up to something, but what?" He thought.
He looked back to that night, to the look with severe discipline and weakness filled his heart. He was grieved. He had betrayed his friend, no wonder his friend doubted of his love.
If it hadn´t been for that moment earlier...he would have fallen apart. They had spoken of their love with their present comes, life goes on and he must understand his place... "I have lost so much, I have lost it all"
These are Peter's thoughts."I betrayed my friend, He will never trust meagain!"
Three times had Jesus commanded him back into ministry. But Peter could not believe those words...he had seen that look, that night. It was no simply mistake. It was much more than a spilled glass of milk. He had betrayed his friend.

Jesus speaks to him so more, Peter cannot concentrate, he is in a daze of pain and wondering what is going on.
And then he hears those words, the words that really restore that man:
Those were the same words that Jesus had spoken so long ago, when he was a mere fisherman! The beginning of a friendship that would take them to that point were they could speak with their eyes.
It was then and only then that Peter felt 100% forgiven.
It was then and only then that Peter knew things were right, he was at peace with God.
He took a deep, deep breath and got up to follow, just as he had done so, several year ago. But things were different this time. For now he was closer to God.
How do I know? Before, he would ask John to ask Jesus that which he wanted to know. That morning, walking close to Jesus, Peter asked Jesus about the future of John. And Jesus answered honestly and bluntly. "it is none of your businness!"
They were friends again, walking by eachother's side.
One resurrected, the other restored.
They were friends again, but even closer yet.

It was God´s love that brought this unity.
God´s love through the cross and
God´s love through severe discipline.
God´s love, God´s love.