
Saturday, May 21, 2005

Isaia 42:5

Isaia 42:5

I will share a paragraph from a letter ...without permission... ji ji ji but I just think it will make this lesson much clearer:

.... teaching me how to fall in love :) but other days its very hard because i feel hurt and repetitive sometimes in the things i say and do and it just makes me want to change, it makes me question god : why did u want me to be the guy you use to push her forward in change and to teach her more about your ways ( you know people always have walls with such a person u know ) and i dont want her to have walls with me, why did you choose me to become this guy.. i hate being in this position of teaching her things, confronting others, how to i explain this !! why cant i just love her without having to do anything and letting her be and learn from life on her own ( i always thought i will be such a person u know that loves all the way and wouldnt be the MOTHER OR FATHER charater u know hehehe )

Okey everybody, contrast the verse and the paragraph. Surprised? Oh we love the last part of the verse, the bridegroom will rejoice in his bride...isn't it romantic? awesome.
BUT ... (don't you just hate this word?)
BUT there is one thing the bridegroom does before he can rejoice. He builds his spouse.

ohhhhhh, noooooo!!!!! Why must we work before we reap???
I loved the contrast. This guy is absolutely honest. He is deeply in love with the only woman he knows that makes him feel complete. But he finds that he is suddenly in a very difficult position, he discovers himself teaching her things and confronting others, and encouraging her to love God even more...and the girl seems to be resenting it and is beginning to withdraw... agony, despair...questioning "Why do I have to be the guy to her up?" "why canĀ“t I just let her be and let life teach her?"

We live in a very confusing world. Parents want teachers to teach their kids. Parents of teen agers want pastors to teach their kids.(most of the time it is tv that is teaching our kids). Kids do not want ANYBODY to teach them. Women make fun of men "They are sooo stupid that they actually talk hours about boats, bikes and cars!!! how stupid can one get?" Men are too angry and hurt to listen to any counsel from their wives... pastors won't listen to prophets....prophets will not listen to pastors.
We have all built up our wall. "Leave me alone, IT IS MY RIGHT TO CHOOSE!!!"

Are you starting to get sick? I hope so. As I consider our heart attitude I cannot but start to feel nausated. AND WE WANT A REVIVAL???? what a laugh!!!
We do not like being corrected (the we includes me) and ...and....and
we are avoiding correcting others. Because we want to be popular, well liked and accepted.

I believe it is time to untangle our minds. Revival is NOT only about filled stadiums with people worshiping our Lord and healings ocurring everywhere. It is much more than that.
Revival includes BUILDING each other up in love.
Are we going to accept the challenge?
or are we going to continue doing things our way, constantly seeking for short cuts of some sort.
prayer, fasting and offerings INSTEAD of love, discipline and counsel.
I do not think God is accepting such a bargain.
He wants it all. the prayer, the fasting, the offerings, the love, the discipline and the counsel.
Who is going to accept the challenge?
the challenge of confronting, of setting limits, of saying NO this is NOT right...
Who is going to accept the challenge?
Of building their spouses, their children, their friends, their leaders...
Who is going to accept the challenge?
Of opening up so others build them up.
Who is going to accept the challenge?