
Saturday, March 05, 2005

I Thess.5:10

So Jesus went to the cross, so He could live near us in death. As I meditated on that part, my mind just blew up!
But after reading a letter from a friend who told me she was chewing on the concept of "life" and what it means to "be born to live", I started to chew on the idea of:
Jesus died, so He could walk near us in life.

I like the flavour of such thought. Can you taste it?
I is true. Jesus went to the cross so after we die physically we will live with Him throughout eternity.
100% true.
And it is also true that Jesus went to the cross so He could walk with us as we face death in our daily lives.
100% true.
But just in case that doesn´t make a click somewhere in your brain, try to get this one:
Jesus died, so He could walk near us in life.

We were born to live.
And Jesus died, so He could walk near us in such a life.
What do you think this mistery can withhold?
What is life really about?

A friend writes and says: I am afraid to become old and wonder what I have done with my life.
She is a very successful woman according to the world´s standards. Yet she wonders if she is really living, or if she is missing it all.

Not long ago I read an interview to Jack Higgings. At the time of the interview he was 53 years old and a millionaire. Successful writer. The interview was done on Agust 1982. This is one of the things he had to say:
I am glad I didn´t know at 18 that when you have got to the top of the peak,
you are left with an emptiness.

Life. What is it really about?
Can´t help wondering if Jesus wasn't motivated most by this last point.
it is only an idea.
Yes, He saw hell and definetly said- I will provide a way out.
Yes, He saw death in our daily lives and said- I must provide them with my comfort.
But I am inclined to see that last point and to believe that it really caught His eye..

He saw the cross and saw it as a means to walk near us in life...and that He just couldnt resist!
It was!
"I will be able to share sunsets by her side!"
"We can have ice-cream together!"
"We can dream together!"
"We can have all sorts of adventures...we can lie in the sun...we can just lie down on the park bench and watch for a butterfly to fly by, we can laugh till tears come out of our eyes, we can tease each other... and try to see who gets the last laugh..."

Maybe you have a more complex and sophisticated definition of you can make your definition fit accordingly.
But for me life is simple, something you do on a daily basis.
You do it with passion and gentleness.

A friend to call. A letter to write. A hug to give. A flower to smell. A bird to hear. A lesson to be taught. A garden to be cut.
.... and Jesus being part of it all.

Isn't this what life is really about?
Isn't this what the gospel is really about?

A year ago I had to stop. Too many voices shouting I had done things wrong.
"Such a bright woman...going to waste!"...such were the voices that pushed me aside.

Stop. Boy, did I ever stop... Full stop. Always do everything with passion, I was to stop. I stopped. =)
Anyhow...I analysed and analysed and analysed and analysed.
I saw and saw and saw.
I meditated.
I weigthed every one of my steps.
Some I definitely regret.
But so many others...I would do them again!!!!!!!

I am 41. Not one penny in my account. Not a successful writer at all.
but you know what?
I am not empty at all!

The secret? Jesus went to the cross to walk with me in life,
and walking by His side has made my life full.

Amazing God, I love you lots. And once again- thank you for paying the cost, thank you for the cross.